Mergers & Acquisitions
Whether you want to buy, sell or merge your company, it remains an absolute necessity that all the work leading up to the transaction is executed at the highest possible level of performance. That is why you hire Irshadat as your transaction advisor. The combination of our partnership approach, years of deal experience and an unrivalled knowledge of the UAE markets, place us in the unique position to offer you the best M&A services on the UAE markets. We are proud to offer you specific services as well as full end-to-end solutions so that we can assist you in every step of the process. From formulating M&A strategies and identifying potential counterparties to assisting you on the due diligence and the deal financing, we are determined to provide a service that exceeds your expectations!
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Strategic analysis and discussion on M&A strategies
- Seller and buyer identification
- Initiating and facilitating discussions with the counterparty
- Due diligence
- Deal structuring
- Raising acquisition capital
- Market knowledge:Our financial advisors have decades of corporate banking and deal making experience in the UAE market which translates itself in our advisors knowing the ins and outs of almost all corporations and industries within the UAE. We know most UAE companies as thoroughly as their management does and seek to use that to your advantage.
- Transaction experience:The Irshadat corporate finance team consists of experienced advisors with one of the best track records in UAE deal making. We find great pride in making the difference in the details and we are extremely focused on setting up the most risk limiting deal structure within the UAE legal framework. We allow you to benefit from years of experience in UAE deal making.
- Best-in-class due diligence:Proper due diligence is a requirement for investing in any part of the world but especially in the UAE. Due to the inconsistent reliability of the larger international due diligence players within the UAE, Irshadat set out to find more reliable and better qualified due diligence providers and has successfully partnered with these UAE specialists for several transactions. When doing business with Irshadat, we guarantee you that the most thorough and detailed due diligence is performed.
- Independence:Irshadat is a pure play advisor and investor that is not part of a larger financial group. We advise our clients based on what we believe is truly the best for them, not on what would create the most cross-selling opportunities for debt funding and other departments. Our advice is free from internal conflicts and always in your best interest. Furthermore, our independence provides us with the opportunity to play out multiple debt providers against each other in order to obtain the most favorable funding conditions
- Partnership:We see our clients as partners! We believe in recurring business and long term relations that can only manifest when both parties are reliable, transparent and mutually benefiting in the relation. We commence every project with this philosophy in mind. No matter how small or large the assigned project is, we consider it as an opportunity to earn your trust and as an opportunity to prove our value to you. Nowhere will you be treated more fairly and with respect than at Irshadat.
- Professionalism: We take great pride in our accomplishments and our reputation. It has taken us years to build both our reputation and even longer to build the level of trust that we enjoy from our partners and clients. We are well aware that it only takes one misstep to destroy years of work. That is why we require the highest level of professionalism of every member within our organization. When you enter into a relationship with Irshadat, you can rest assured that there will be no unpleasant surprises or hidden details further down the road. We like to make clear and transparent agreements at the start of every engagement and then we make sure to live up to them.