A growing market, a stable pro-business government and the world’s lowest tax regime makes Dubai the ideal place to invest. Especially when considering that the transaction multiples paid are often lower than those in lower growth mature markets.
While all these factors attract the attention of foreign investors, it quickly becomes clear to these same investors that investing in Dubai requires a different approach and that investing alongside a trusted advisor who has both the necessary transaction experience and knowledge of the local market will significantly reduce the risk and time involved as well as improving the returns achieved on the investment.
Irshadat is that trusted reliable partner that you need! Whether you need a team of experienced advisors to guide you in a transaction of your choice or you wish to co-invest alongside Irshadat in one of our investment projects, we are there to help you make the right decisions.
- We help you identify the perfect investment solution that is aligned with your risk profile, exit horizon and sector preference
- Irshadat provides thorough and detailed due diligence on investments
- We give you clear and actionable advice regarding investment ideas
- Irshadat assembles industry leading proven management teams
Market knowledge: Our financial advisors have decades of corporate banking experience in the UAE market which translates itself in our advisors knowing the ins and outs of almost all corporations and industries within the UAE. We know most UAE companies as well as their management does, if not better.
Transaction experience: The Irshadat corporate finance team consists of experienced advisors with one of the best trackrecords in UAE private equity and financial engineering. We find great pride in making the difference in the details and we are extremely focused on setting up the most risk limiting structure within the UAE legal framework. We allow you to benefit from years of experience in UAE deal making.
Management network: Great companies need great leaders in order to reach their full potential. Our decades long presence within the UAE has allowed us to gather a large network of experienced managers spread over a wide range of industries. When you invest through Irshadat, we will assure you that an industry leading management team with a proven track record in shareholder value creation is put in place.
Co-investment: No argument is more convincing than your investment advisor having skin in the game. The fact that Irshadat will co-invest alongside you if the opportunity exists, provides you with the ultimate assurance that our interests are aligned and that we are more than confident in the UAE investment opportunities that we construct.
Guaranteeing minimum results: While many advisors may tell you great stories about the potential of the UAE markets, we back up our claims by offering you double digits minimum returns on your investment. Irshadat is the advisor that makes investing in the UAE not only tax-free but also risk-free.
Best-in-class due diligence: Proper due diligence is a requirement for investing in any part of the world but especially in the UAE. Due to the inconsistent reliability of the larger international due diligence players within the UAE, Irshadat set out to find more reliable and better qualified due diligence providers and has successfully partnered with these UAE specialists for several transactions. When doing business with Irshadat, we guarantee you that the most thorough and detailed due diligence is performed.
Independence: Irshadat is a pure play advisor and investor that is not part of a larger financial group. We advise our clients based on what we believe is truly the best for them, not on what would create the most cross-selling opportunities for debt funding and other departments. Our advice is free from internal conflicts and always in your best interest.
Exclusive Opportunities: In a way, the Middle East resembles the financial markets of the West in the era where there was still information dissymmetry. In the UAE, not all investment opportunities are publicly known and the most attractive opportunities are often mandated to one exclusive deal maker. By partnering with Irshadat, you gain exposure to lucrative investment opportunities that no one else can offer you. Our exclusive access to a very large amount of investment opportunities also enable our clients to invest in projects that are not part of a bidding process, thereby boosting the returns by avoiding excessive valuations.